
What are Executive programs? 
The New England College Executive program offers immersive learning for current professionals and high-potential leaders who strive to become successful in their field.  
► Executive programs require that you have already completed a U.S. master's degree or have at least 3 years of relevant US work experience.
► Students must have an internship/ job by the program start in order to fulfill the immediate internship requirement for this program**. 

► Apply here!

**Eligible F-1 students will complete their required internship or job through CPT (Curricular Practical Training) authorization. The Internship course is an integral part of the Executive program curriculum. Internships or jobs must directly relate to the program learning outcomes.

Is a job or internship required? 
Yes. The internship course is an integral part of the Executive program curriculum. Internships or jobs must directly relate to the program learning outcomes.  
Please let your admission counselor know if you do not have a position and we can discuss other options.

What are the requirements for the Executive programs?

Students must have already completed a US master's degree or have at least 3 years of relevant US work experience.

Am I eligible for the Executive program is I only have a US bachelor degree?
Yes, as long as you have 3 years of relevant, professional US work experience.

If I have an MBA, can I still apply for the Executive MBA program?
We do not recommend repeating the same major. Please choose another major that also aligns with your position and career goals but has new course material.

What major is recommended for students with a law degree?
The MBA is the most suited to cover topics relevant to running a law firm. The MBA will prepare lawyers for the business and managerial side of the law industry. Topics covered include Human Resources, Marketing, and Leadership and Entrepreneurial skills.
Program Structure

What is the program structure for Executive programs? 

Executive programs are considered hybrid. The majority of your coursework will be done online at your own pace with assignments due weekly. Once a term, students are required to be on campus in Henniker, New Hampshire for a full weekend to complete the in-person residency. 
What does the course structure look like? 

Each term you will take 2 classes each worth 3 credits, and 1 internship course worth 1 credit for the  required internship/job.
► Each term you will earn 7 to 8 credits.  This is considered full time for F-1 Student Visa compliance. 
► Each term is 15 weeks (about 3 and a half months) long.
► Students typically spend 20-25 hours per week on coursework. 

► Click on the program for map of courses in each:


Executive programs are a prescribed curriculum. Students will take specific courses each term. Students do not choose their courses.

How long is the Executive master's program?
  • Executive MS IT Project Management: ​24 months (6 terms, 40 credits)
  • Executive MS IT & Cybersecurity: 20 months (5 terms, 36 credits)
  • Executive MS Data Science and Analytics: 20 months (5 terms, 36 credits)
  • Executive MS Health Informatics: 20 months (5 terms, 36 credits)
  • Executive MBA: 24 months (6 terms, 40 credits)
  • Executive MBA Healthcare Administration: 24 months (6 terms, 40 credits)

Each term is 15 weeks long. Executive programs operate year-round with 3 terms each year: Spring, Summer, and Fall. The only scheduled break in the academic year for Executive students is during our winter holiday break.  

After first approval of the EAF and required CPT authorization, term-by-term CPT authorization may be renewed prior to the end of the term so there are no gaps in employment between terms. The program is prescribed and students do not select their own courses.  

Please see the academic calendar here or reach out to Student Services for more information.  

Can the programs be shortened or extended?

Executive programs are a prescribed curriculum. Typically, programs cannot be extended or shortened. Program extensions are only granted for extenuating circumstances such as a medical illness.

How long will it take for my application to be reviewed?

Your admission counselor will review your application within 4 business days of your application being completed. Please be sure to monitor the email address you applied with as updates will be sent there. 


What are residencies and when do I need to attend classes on campus? 

One weekend per term, you will come to campus in Henniker, New Hampshire for the in- person residencies held over a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Each term is 15 weeks long, so students should plan to travel to campus every 15 weeks. In-person residencies consist of classes, projects, and student presentations. This is an excellent opportunity to network with classmates and colleagues from all over the world and within the US. You can find upcoming residency dates here
Is housing provided at the college during the residency weekend?
No, students are responsible for coordinating their own housing for the weekend. However, we have a few local hotels near to the campus we recommend. Please view our Executive Residency page for more information. 
Is transportation provided by the college during the residency weekend?
Students are responsible for arranging transportation for residency weekends. Many students choose to ride-share or carpool. Please view our Executive Residency Page for information on nearby airports. 

Please note it is difficult to use ride-share apps such as Lyft and Uber in Henniker, NH and we recommend making other travel arrangements. 

Tuition Costs

What is the cost for the Executive Master's Programs? 
 Program  Delivery Model   Credits/ Terms   Program Duration  Rate per Credit   Fees
  Estimated Total
 Executive Data Science and Analytics  Hybrid  36 Credits,
5 Terms 
20 Months  $462  $230/term    $17,782
 Executive Information Technology (IT)
and Cybersecurity
 Hybrid  36 Credits,
5 Terms
20 Months  $462  $230/term   $17,782
Executive Health Informatics Hybrid 36 Credits,
5 Terms
20 Months  $462 $230/term  $17,782
 Executive Information Technology (IT)
and Project Management
 Hybrid  40 Credits,
6 Terms 
24 Months  $462  $230/term   $19,860
 Executive MBA  Hybrid  40 Credits,
6 Terms 
24 Months  $462  $230/term   $19,860
Executive MBA  Healthcare Administration Hybrid  40 Credits,
6 Terms 
24 Months $462 $230/term  $19,860

Books and other supplies are an estimated total of $900 per year which is not included in the total estimated tuition costs. 
Are payment plans available for paying tuition?

Tuition is due Friday before the term start. Student Financial Services offers payment plans. Payment plans are usually paid in monthly installments and a deposit will be required the Friday before the term start. 

View Tuition and Fee rates here.
Employment Agreement Form (EAF) and Employment

When is the EAF due?
The EAF (Employment Agreement Form) is due by the Friday before your program start.

**Questions about the EAF process or completing the EAF can be directed to EAF@nec.edu


How long will it take for my EAF approval?
It will take our Career and Life Planning office's EAF Coordinator 3-5 business days to review you EAF. 
Will NEC help me find a job? 

Students are required to have a job or internship secured prior to enrolling in an Executive program at NEC. The Career Life & Planning Office can help with resume review and interview tips. Your job/internship paperwork will be due by the end of the first week of classes. Students who fail to submit their Employment Agreement Form by the deadline will be asked to leave the program.
What happens if I lose my job?
If you lose your job while enrolled, you must let your program director and  DSO know. A period of reported unemployment during a term is permissible for no more than 90-days in the aggregate, counted in calendar days for the program. You may remain in the internship course but must complete the alternative assignments established by your program.
Additional questions on this process should be directed to your program directors.
F-1 Specific FAQs
When should I transfer my SEVIS? 
Our SEVIS record transfer-in deadline is the Wednesday before the term start by 4:30PM. We cannot accept late SEVIS transfers.
► Any work authorization you currently have ends with a SEVIS transfer. Your CPT authorization will begin when your New England College program starts (pending necessary paperwork and approvals).
► We can only accept SEVIS records in Active status. We cannot accept SEVIS records in a Terminated or Completed status.
► You can schedule a SEVIS record transfer in advance. We recommend reaching out to your current DSO to discuss this option. 
How long does it take to transfer a SEVIS record?
Every school has its own Transfer Out process. Some schools may take up to two weeks. Therefore, you need to discuss the timeline with the DSO at your current school and follow their instructions to request the Transfer Out to New England College.
Once your SEVIS record is transferred to NEC, we will update your I-20 in the next 1 to 5 business days. 

Can I transfer after my OPT ends?
Yes, students have 60-day grace period after OPT/STEM OPT to take action on their SEVIS record. Once your OPT or STEM OPT ends, you must transfer within 60 days to maintain Active status.
How long will it take to receive my CPT-authorized I-20?
The first step in your CPT authorization is completing the EAF (Employment Agreement Form) and sending it for academic approval. Once your Transfer Release Date arrives, you will submit the approved EAF to your NEC DSO to receive your CPT-authorized I-20. I-20s are typically issued within 1-3 business days of your SEVIS transfer release date. 

Do I need to renew my CPT work authorization every term?
CPT is authorized by term. Once you start your program, gaps between terms will be covered by your CPT extension process which your NEC DSO will assist with. There should be no gap once you start your program if you do the CPT extension process before the end of every term. Your NEC DSO sends reminders and the process for the CPT extension each term.

Am I eligible for OPT after this program?
Typically, students are not eligible for OPT after an Executive Master’s program. More than 12 consecutive months of full-time CPT disallows post-completion OPT.
Can I travel internationally while enrolled in an Executive program? 
F-1 students may travel during breaks, or for short term emergencies, or between terms, even if you are authorized for CPT, if the Travel Signature on page two is valid and you have a valid F-1 Visa. Students may not travel and continue studies from outside the US, however. You must be inside the US to study and remain in status. Please keep in mind, you may remain in the US with an expired F-1 visa but if you leave the US, you may not return with an expired F-1 visa. Please note, you cannot study from outside the US while waiting to renew your visa.

Can I take a term off as a break?
You may take a term off after a full year of studies at NEC (3 terms) if you want to remain in F-1 status and remain in the US. If you are willing to leave the US and temporarily lose F-1 status, you may take a term of Authorized Early Withdrawal (AEW) at any time. You will have 15 days to leave the US once AEW is authorized by your DSO. When you are ready to return to study you will work with your NEC DSO to reactivate your SEVIS record to Active. 

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